Welcome to the RRPictureArchives.NET contributor site of James Hinman.
Most people like locomotives, ya'll get all excited because you hear a huge diesel working hard. It is a good sound, but I like the freight cars behind the locos, much better. Those great big old locomotives wouldn't be there, or be so big and loud, if not for the freight behind them.
So I have a lot of freight car roster shots. I try to keep them in their own albums, to make them easier to leaf through.
Also, I don't have a good eye for great pictures, so even my best are only so so.
I have plenty more photos that I'm not going to upload, so if there's a type of car you like, ask me, I may have more photos of cars like that.
The ERG you may see on some of my newer tanker pics is the Emergency Respose Guide, which tells, like it sounds, what to do if something breaks. How far and fast to run, and in what direction. It's aimed more at recovery, but it also has initial reactions in there.
You may browse my collection of pictures via the menu located on the left hand side of the page. I hope you enjoy the collection and thanks for stopping by!